Hey Bic corporate headquarters. What's up? Just checking in to see what you've been up to, other than not reading the news, since obviously you've missed this whole "green," "conservation," "planet in state of dire emergency/we're all going to perish in an environmental apocalypse inundated by waste" thing that's been kind of big lately.
Oh, maybe you were too busy developing the disposable cell phone.
Disposable razors and disposable ballpoint pens got old, we guess, because Bic has teamed up with a French cell phone company to bring the world a new highly inefficient use of its resources: pre-charged cell phones that can be thrown away after a short stint of use. Seems about as practical as the disposable cell phones they make for little kids, except not filled with bubble gum.
The whole idea seems not too terribly responsive to the demands of the modern market. Or even, totally oblivious. How long could it possibly take before Bic decides to call this one off?