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Saturday Night Live Hillary Clinton isn’t Sweating Those Primary Losses One Bit

But if you don’t vote for her she promises “Winter is coming”

Bernie Sanders is on primary hot streak! Since March 22 the obstreperous Senator from Vermont won seven states to Hillary Clinton’s zero. Clinton hasn’t come up empty handed, however, since primary delegates aren’t rewarded on a winner-take-all basis. HRC is definitely losing the beauty contest, if you will, but both Democratic candidates have been lurching closer to the crucial 2,383 mark needed to secure the party’s nomination this July, and right now her leads stands at 1,756 to Sanders’ 1,068.

But you know who isn’t sweating this PR problem? Kate McKinnon’s version of Hillary Clinton on Saturday Night Live, who cold-opened the show this past weekend and assured her supporters that losing seven in a row is no big deal. She’s fine. And she’s definitely not having a panic attack about winning big in New York City to lock in the majority of her home state’s fat stack of 291 delegates.

Why should she be worried? She’s a native New Yorker after all who loves the same things everyday New Yorkers love, like bags of warm peanuts, the Yankees and/or Mets, street meat hot dogs and riding the subway. Just call her Hillary Rodham Casual. And if you’re Susan Sarandon: Watch out! She’s got some choice words for what you can do with your Sanders advocacy.