Ribs-and-cocktail chain Chili's opens its first restaurant in Russia today, part of a trend that sees U.S. food companies targeting an emerging middle class in Brazil, Russia, India, and China.
Only in America: In San Francisco, a "real" Chinese restaurant run by a Korean-American is hidden within an "American" Chinese restaurant run by a first-generation Chinese immigrant couple.
And the highlight of the day: Mark Bittman's manifesto for the future of food. End subsidies for processed foods, mandate truth in labeling, and create a Civilian Cooking Corps.
Today's extra credit: The "wild delicacies of the Bronx Pipe Smoking Society's first Small Game Dinner" included beaver wrapped in pig skin (to keep it moist), raccoon kofta kebab, deep-fried Colombian big-butt ants, and more. Joshua Bernstein has a full report in the New York Press.
Dietary Supplements is a daily roundup of what we're reading at GOOD Food HQ. Enjoy!
Image: Michael Max Knobbe, executive director of BronxNet, a public access TV show, with the roasted beaver; photo by Kim Fornal via the New York Press.