Morning Roundup:From The Washington Post: Police Posted to D.C. Charter Schools to Help Avert ViolenceMayor Adrian Fenty announced Monday that the city had posted police at more than two dozen D.C. charter schools, further normalizing charters within city life and attempting to address a spate of violence that plagued some of the schools this fall.From The Chronicle of Higher Education: American Colleges Lag in Meeting Labor NeedsDespite calls to more closely link higher education with job needs, colleges are only "moderately responsive" to changes in the labor markets, a study found.From NPR: Study Tries to Track Louisiana Teachers' SuccessHow do you train the best teachers? Leaders at the nation's teacher education programs don't know. The state of Louisiana has decided to figure this out, and the effort is attracting national attention - and causing some local discomfort.From the NYT's The Choice Blog: If Everyone Is in an Honor Society, Has the Honor Been Cheapened?Commack High School on Long Island is one of many places where educators and parents are re-examining the role of honor societies, which started out as an academic distinction reserved for the top 5 or 10 percent of a class but have become a routine item on college résumés.Photo via
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