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Education: Morning Roundup, KIPP Works

Morning Roundup:

From The Washington Post: Report finds KIPP students outscore public school peers

Middle school students in the Knowledge Is Power Program, a charter school network with a major footprint in the District and other cities, significantly outperform their public school peers on reading and math tests, according to a new study.

From The New York Times: Gone Fishing on Scholarship, With Hopes of Turning Pro

Jake Lawrence and Jacob Hardy became the first students in the United States to receive athletic scholarships for competitive bass fishing

From NPR: Parents In Santa Monica Raise Money For Schools

Public schools are letting out for the summer, but for many budget-strapped school districts this year, there isn't going to be time for vacation. In wealthy Santa Monica, Calif., parents will be spending the summer trying to raise $7 million to keep class sizes the same, teachers employed and school nurses and librarians on the job.

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