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From the Community Blog: America's Digital Divide

This week in GOOD's community blog, willcoley points us to Internet for Everyone, a campaign to get internet access to those on the disconnected...

This week in GOOD's community blog, willcoley points us to Internet for Everyone, a campaign to get internet access to those on the disconnected side of America's digital divide. He says:"While I'm a big fan of social media (like this blog) and its potential for social change, I think we often forget that not everyone is at the cyber-table. I've been thinking a lot about collaborative offline content development (i.e. video) where everyone can participate. But free internet access would definitely make these online 'social tools' much more effective and amplify its use for social good."The chart above (from this IFE video), shows how broadband penetration differs by income level. It also differs by race and geography. With the exception of Asians, broadband access is rarer among minorities. It's also rarer in rural areas.And it's not just funny cat videos that these people are missing out on. If people on the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum don't have internet access they have a harder time doing research for school, finding jobs, participating in social or political action online (as Will notes), or simply staying informed. This ends up denying them a fair shot at employment and education opportunities, weakening our democracy, solidifying the current social order, and thwarting the American ideal of upward mobility.You can learn more and contribute to the cause at Internet for Everyone. Thanks for the tip, Will.

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