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GOOD 100: Meet Adam Butler, Who Never Wastes a Crisis

Adam Butler and his brother Marty were burned out on the soul-sucking nihilism of the advertising world, so they created Butler Brothers, a firm that would produce hard-hitting, truth-telling marketing and creative work for clients they could proudly stand behind. They count organizations such as COMMON and FUTURE among their partners, and recently, with the Center for Science in the Public Interest and Alex Bogusky, executive produced “The Real Bears,” a grizzly PSA on the perils of sugar that is surely the darkest take on Polar Bear erectile dysfunction you can see later this year.

The Butler Bros. has also partnered with Legacy to get people to quit smoking, including helping them program a presence at the Aspen Ideas Festival, and worked with the Climate Reality Project on 24 Hours of Reality — an event to spread the truth about climate change led by Al Gore.
“In 2013 we will continue to work with our long time partners like Legacy and LIVESTRONG in the public health space,” Adam Butler says, “and we're growing our relationships with food brands like ZILKS hummus, as well as cycling and outdoor brands like ROL Wheels that bake healthier living into their reason for being. We'd love to take our enthusiasm and non-fiction storytelling ethos more into these spaces."

Along with a partner firm, The Butler Bros. recently launched a new website for Seed Matters, A CLIF Bar Family Foundation Initiative, and just finished post-production on a spot and campaign with Legacy that will air throughout April; it will address the environmental impact of cigarette butts.
“At a high level we believe in brands that care about health and human potential. Churchill once said, 'healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.' We couldn't agree more,” Butler says.
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