This content was produced by GOOD with the support of Microsoft
Young people have the ideas and energy to make positive change in the world, but sometimes they need a boost to get started. That’s where you come in. You can support young people by voting for your favorite U.S.-based nonprofit in the GOOD Maker Give for Youth challenge. Give for Youthis a microgiving site dedicated to funding projects by and for youth.
Thank you for nominating awesome nonprofits! We received more than one hundred and fifty submissions and eligible organizations are now up for public voting. The twenty nonprofits with the most votes will have the opportunity to be featured on the Give for Youth platform.
Give for Youth, a Microsoft YouthSpark program in partnership with GlobalGiving, lets people find, fund and follow microprojects that empower young people through education, employment and entrepreneurship.
You can help determine which nonprofits will get the opportunity to fund their microprojects on the Give for Youth platform by voting from February 18 noon PT to March 1 noon PT. Cast your vote now.
To learn more, review the official rules and eligibility requirements.
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