We compete in all facets of life. From participating in fantasy sports to getting ahead at work to holding the title of ‘most resourceful.’ With the Olympics fast approaching, we think it’s a good time to harness that competitive spirit to create social change. Tell us your plans for a project or event that fosters a healthy competitive spirit, and you could win a $1,500 grant from GOOD Maker.
Whether you want to see who can plant the most flowers in a community garden, hold a dance marathon for a particular charity, or turn an abandoned city block into a community obstacle course, GOOD Maker can help activate your idea. Simply tell us what’s innovative about your project and how it promotes healthy competition, and we’ll award $1,500 to the top-voted submission.
Entries to the Compete for GOOD challenge will be accepted from July 19 through August 16 at noon Pacific Time. Voting will be open from August 17 through August 31 at noon Pacific Time.
Interested in participating in upcoming Challenges on GOOD Maker? Drop us a line at maker[at]goodinc[dot]com, sign up for our email list, or check out the current challenges on GOOD Maker.
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