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GOOD Weekend

The 2008 Olympics are over. China took 100 medals, and the NY Times blogs live from the closing ceremony, relaying the performances Olympians, dancers, David Beckham, Jimmy Page.Elsewhere across the ocean: the Afghan president calls for accountability in an air strike that killed 89 civilians, and the..

The 2008 Olympics are over. China took 100 medals, and the NY Times blogs live from the closing ceremony, relaying the performances Olympians, dancers, David Beckham, Jimmy Page.

Elsewhere across the ocean: the Afghan president calls for accountability in an air strike that killed 89 civilians, and the death toll from the Madrid runway crash keeps rising, to 154.

A little uplifting news: the U.S. navy arrives in Georgia to deliver humanitarian aid.

Stateside: Fay moved on from Florida, never having graduated from tropical storm to hurricane status, but still taking 11 lives and bringing new meaning to "raining cats and dogs" when it sprung a lion and a bengal tiger from their cages at a Florida zoo.

In a moment of staggering unpreparedness, John McCain was caught by the press not knowing how many homes he owns, which you'd think he would've looked into after Brave New Films released that video about his ten multi-million dollar homes last week. (Note: This info will help you further balance out the effects of Obama Fatigue.)

And, in a hostage situation at a Maryland hotel, police employed some high-tech new negotiation tactics, sending a robot to liaise with a burglary suspect; this backfired when the suspect threatened the robot's... uh... "life." (via Boing Boing)

Photo: Beijing's closing ceremony, the Memory Tower, ringed in 396 performers.

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