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Jump Into This Incredible 360-Degree Experience With The Spirits Of Post-Earthquake Haiti

“One day things will change.”

Using the latest in 360? video technology, website and digital video channel Broadly created this immersive glimpse into the search for healing in earthquake ravaged Haiti. Directed by Academy Award-nominated director Lucy Walker and sponsored by Vaseline, the short video takes the viewer to the heart of Port-au-Prince, six years after the devastating 2010 geological event. Watch as Priestess Manbo Katy attempts to summon the spirits to help heal a portion of the million people who were affected by the disaster.

“The people are hungry with misery.” Katy explains in her powerful narration. “We will feed their stomachs and their souls.”

To fully appreciate the priestess’ ceremony, make sure the video is in full-screen mode with the highest resolution possible and make use of the toggles at the top left of the video to look all around. While the result of sharing this interactive experience with strangers is oddly intimate, the viewer may also find themselves feeling like an invisible presence in the room, not unlike the spirits to whom Katy speaks.

To get the 360? Experience: If you are on a mobile device, click here to view on YouTube. You can also click the title of the film in the top left corner of the below player, or download the YouTube app. On a desktop, the 360? experience can be viewed in Chrome or Firefox.

Click here to watch on Broadly, or follow them on YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook.

To learn more about Vaseline’s Healing Project – an aid effort in partnership with Direct Relief to help heal the 5 million people living on the frontlines of crisis and disaster — visit their website at

Want to watch Manbo Katy's Vodou work in virtual reality? Download the Vrse app here.

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