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A writer’s hilarious and inspiring reaction to Oprah as Weight Watchers spokesperson

“I mean, we all got 70 million dollars worth of Oprah just that morning alone."

In a Facebook post, the writer Caissie St. Onge describes her hilarious epiphany when she saw Oprah as the new Weight Watchers spokesperson. “On New Year's Day, as I loafed in bed, honoring my resolution to watch more TV, every commercial break for every show was this Weight Watchers commercial with Oprah. So many times. I mean, we all got 70 million dollars worth of Oprah just that morning alone."

Then she had a revelation: “My epiphany was this: Oprah is arguably the most accomplished, admired, able person in the world. She creates magic for other people and herself on the regular. So, if Oprah can't do permanent lifelong weight loss, maybe it can't be done. Oprah is also crazy rich. If Oprah can't buy permanent lifelong weight loss, maybe it can't be bought. And that sucks. But it is also incredibly freeing…"

St. Onge goes on to investigate her own feelings of worthlessness around her self-image, making visible the pain and suffering we bring upon ourselves with our personal and culture obsession with weight and size.

“I think I'm gonna stop wanting something that I might never get even though I'm very good and very strong and I try very hard all the time," she says near the end of this fantastic essay. “I'm gonna take a break on all that, at least for a little while."

(Via Medium)