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Icelandic Post Office Delivers A Letter With A Map Instead Of An Address

Iceland’s post office totally delivered on this one.

It’s 2016 and there are still a few places on Earth that you can’t find on Google Maps. After visiting the The Hólar farm in Búðardalur, Iceland last March, a group of tourists wanted to send a letter to its owner, Rebecca Cathrine Kaadu Ostenfeld. But when they searched for the address listed on the farm’s Facebook page, it pointed to a place smack dab in the middle of a lake.

Undeterred by not having the farm’s address, one of the tourists drew a map of the area on the envelope, placed a stamp on it, and hoped it would find its way to Ostenfeld.

The envelope read:

“Country: Iceland. City: Búðardalur. Name: A horse farm with an Icelandic/Danish couple and three kids and a lot of sheep! The Danish woman works in a supermarket in Búðardalur.”

Soon after the envelope was placed in a mailbox in Reykjavík, it was received by Ostenfeld, proving that the Icelandic postal service really does deliver.