Mentor Matchmaker
A matchmaking algorithm and profiling system could connect people as cohorts in learning, as well as with mentors, tutors, curriculum options, and learning and career/apprenticeship opportunities. Almost anyone can be a mentor. A 3rd grader can mentor a 1st grader, a 20-year-old can mentor an 80-year-old. There would be something and someone for every learner through the matchmaker system.
This is part six of a continuing brainstorm on the future of cities, inaugurated at the Velocity conference in September 2009. We’ll post a new idea each day until we run out, at which point we’re counting on you to come up with something smart. Do you have a good idea for improving your city? Add it in the comments below, or tweet it to @GOOD with hashtag #cityideas—we’ll publish the best ones. Tomorrow’s idea: Served to Serving.