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Free Pizza (and Solidarity) for Madison Protesters

Cairo lends support to Wisconsin protestors with pizza. Countries around the world follow suit.

A little pizzeria in Madison, Wisconsin, has been deluged with calls and emails from folks around the world donating money to provide free pizza to protestors at the Capitol. This past Saturday, Ian's on State gave away 1,057 free slices in their store and delivered over 300 pies to protestors. That folks in nearly all of the United States have been showing their support in this unusual way is surprising enough, but what's truly remarkable is the blackboard behind the counter at Ian's, which lists “Korea, Finland, Egypt, Denmark, Australia, US, Canada, Germany, China, London, Netherlands, Turkey, New Zealand, Morocco, and Switzerland” as "countries donating."

As one supporter of the effort put it on the pizzeria's Facebook page, "What a great way for people to show their support—by feeding those on the front line. It feels like a part of me is there, through pizza, and into the physical bodies of those standing up for their rights. Thank you Ian's Pizza!"