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Inc. Magazine Will Operate Without an Office

In an attempt to determine how a virtual office affects a company's culture, efficiency, and output, Inc. Magazine has shut the doors of its...

In an attempt to determine how a virtual office affects a company's culture, efficiency, and output, Inc. Magazine has shut the doors of its physical office and will operate entirely remotely for the next month. The idea is that if new technologies and ever-higher levels of connectivity can allow start-ups to function without traditional offices, perhaps an established media company should give it a shot.
As the experiment progresses, we'll be blogging about our experiences here on a regular basis. We also plan to post video interviews with experts and consultants who study virtual work. Then in the April issue of the magazine, we'll publish a definitive piece on virtual work-a look at pros and cons of running a highly-dispersed team (namely, ours), plus, tips on how to work virtually that any start-up or small business can use.As much as this is an experiment in remote work, it's also an experiment in open-source journalism. Working remotely is never easy, and we may face particular challenges coming from an industry where it is still common for an editor, a designer, a photo editor, and a writer to gather around a table to look at a page proof.
I wonder if one month is sufficient-seeing as everyone involved knows they'll soon be returning to the office. I also wonder if the evolution of this concept will end up being less of an all-or-nothing proposition. The office space of the future will probably be a combination of reduced physical space and increased remote work.Photo: a look at the office they won't be using.

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