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Is Pornography a Form of Adultery?

Over at The Atlantic, Ross Douthat ponders whether watching and masturbating to pornography is a form of adultery. Some highlights: "This isn't to say the distinction between hiring a prostitute and shelling out for online porn doesn't matter; in moral issues, every distinction matters. But if you approach..

Over at The Atlantic, Ross Douthat ponders whether watching and masturbating to pornography is a form of adultery. Some highlights:"This isn't to say the distinction between hiring a prostitute and shelling out for online porn doesn't matter; in moral issues, every distinction matters. But if you approach infidelity as a continuum of betrayal rather than an either/or proposition, then the Internet era has ratcheted the experience of pornography much closer to adultery than I suspect most porn users would like to admit......Calling porn a form of adultery isn't about pretending that we can make it disappear. The temptation will always be there, and of course people will give in to it. I've looked at porn; if you're male and breathing, chances are so have you. Rather, it's about what sort of people we aspire to be: how we define our ideals, how we draw the lines in our relationships, and how we feel about ourselves if we cross them. And it's about providing a way for everyone involved, men and women alike-whether they're using porn or merely tolerating it-to think about what, precisely, they're involving themselves in, and whether they should reconsider."