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Meet Nancy Miller, GOOD's New Editor-in-Chief ?

Our new leader shares her vision for GOOD’s future.

Photo by Christina Gandolfo

Dear GOOD Readers,

Live Well, Do Good. That statement has been part of GOOD’s DNA since the magazine first launched in 2006. Hard to believe that was a decade ago. Back then, Obama was a senator from Illinois, Facebook was mostly used by college kids, and the notion of running a media company with a larger, philanthropic ambition was virtually unheard of. GOOD's debut issue that year was more than a magazine. It was a bold call to action, a global rallying cry for "People Who Give a Damn."

I remember seeing that first issue of GOOD. I was an editor at Wired magazine in San Francisco and found myself inspired by the irreverent optimism churned out by a cadre of dudes in L.A. With a deft combination of curiosity and skepticism, GOOD swiftly became a must-read, particularly among millennials who were unabashed in their desire to build a better world. Over the next few years, I would move on from Wired to a stint at Fast Company before moving on to Los Angeles magazine. I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the best editors in the industry, including Chris Anderson, Bob Cohn, Robert Safian, Rick Tetzeli, and Mary Melton. Under their stewardship, I have honed my skills both in print and online, earning a National Magazine Award in 2013 with an ASME nomination the following year.

Now, a decade after that first introduction to GOOD and the team behind it, I find myself with the opportunity to help carry the magazine, website, and the brand into a new phase, working alongside the co-founders Ben Goldhirsh, Casey Caplowe, and Max Schorr. I intend to create a bolder, more relevant voice for GOOD across culture, business, technology, food, travel, sports, and design. And, of course, there’s GOOD’s infographics. The magazine once owned data visualization—it's time to reclaim that signature storytelling tool. To mark my arrival, and celebrate a decade of GOOD, we're bringing back some of our best infographics (updated and improved) as well as a series of new videos that take the standard data-driven story to the next level. Check out our latest, “If the World Were 100 People” and visit us on Facebook, Twitter, and tumblr for fresh updates every day.

Thanks to everyone in the GOOD community—I’m thrilled to be here and will work very hard to make GOOD great again.

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