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Mother Recreates Kendall Jenner’s Calvin Klein Ads

Her goal was to show ‘there is beauty in imperfection’

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For the past year, reality TV star Kendall Jenner has modeled for the iconic Calvin Klein brand. Jenner’s body has graced massive billboards in New York City and has been featured in print ads across world. Calvin Klein decided to feature young stars such as Jenner and Justin Bieber in their advertising to make the brand hip among Millenials. Now a Texas blogger is recreating Jenner’s campaign to help mothers love their bodies.

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Brenda DeRouen had a photoshoot wearing Calvin Klein underwear to “celebrate the end of my body insecurities by having a perfect stranger document my moment through photography,” she said on her blog. DeRouen had a child at 17 and after her pregnancy developed stretch marks that made her feel “embarrassed about her appearance.” Eight years later, DeRouen’s good friend told her “If you can’t learn to love yourself, then how can you expect anyone else to?” Her friend’s advice struck a chord in DeRouen, inspiring her to “accept her body for what it is.”

DeRouen hired a photographer, threw on some sexy Calvin Klein underwear and posed for photos similar to those taken by Jenner. But unlike Jenner, DeRouen’s photo shoot was free of airbrushing and proudly showed all the imperfections she’s grown to embrace. “I wore Calvin Klein because to me, the brand represents comfort, class, and a hint of sexy,” she told ATTN. “The shoot had nothing to do with Kendall, and everything to do with me,” she told Cosmopolitan. “I chose to pose in Calvin Klein underwear to send a message to women about self-acceptance and self-love.”

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