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Obama's Possible Secretary of Transportation a Total Shill for Schwinn

Politico has pulled together a credible-looking list of people being considered for staff and cabinet positions in an Obama administration. Down at the very bottom of the list, as one of two candidates for Secretary of Transportation, is Bill Nye lookalike Rep. Earl Blumenauer, from Portland, Oregon...

Politico has pulled together a credible-looking list of people being considered for staff and cabinet positions in an Obama administration.Down at the very bottom of the list, as one of two candidates for Secretary of Transportation, is Bill Nye lookalike Rep. Earl Blumenauer, from Portland, Oregon. He's the one who slipped tax breaks for bikers into the bailout and is, in the words of Matt Yglesias, "by far the bike commuter's best friend in congress."Cycling was up 35% in New York City in the last year, but Congress still tends to favor the newer technologies (like hybrids and biofuels) with its cash and legislation. Sounds like it's high time to have an advocate for the two-wheel community with the president's ear.