A pharmacy in New York City has decided to try to even the score when it comes to taxing both men and women.
“All Female Customers Shop Tax Free,” reads the sign in front of the store, along with another sign reading, “All male customers are subject to a 7 percent man tax.”
Thompson Chemists instituted the 7 percent man tax policy in October to help offset the so-called “woman tax,” highlighting the fact that women often have to pay more than men for similar products, such as razors and deodorant, and still need to pay sales tax on necessities like feminine hygiene products.
In an interview with DNAinfo New York, pharmacy owner Jolie Alony says:
“I didn’t do it to be sexist or anything... It was just to make people aware. Not many people are aware of the fact of how much more women have to pay … taxes on tampons and all of their women stuff, and men don’t have to pay taxes on that stuff.”
Soho Pharmacy is now charging 7% Man Tax (xpost /r/TwoXChromosomes)
The problem isn’t just a novelty. In a study released by the city of New York titled, “From Cradle To Cane: The Cost Of Being A Female Consumer,” researchers found that women pay about 13 percent more for personal care products and 8 percent more for home health care products. Thankfully, New York state abolished sales tax on female hygiene products in the summer of 2016, which will save women in the state millions.
As with everything these days, commentary on the promotion has moved to social media with its standard promoters and detractors.
Alony told Gothamist that she’s lived in the neighborhood for 22 years and just wants to bring more understanding to the community.
"We want to bring awareness on how it feels to be a woman, so the men actually get to feel it," she tells the online magazine.