UPDATE: We've extended the deadline of this project to July 13.
Create an infographic about the childhood obesity epidemic.
For this contest, we're working with the Let's Move! initiative to help address the problem of childhood obesity by raising awareness about the problem and about the ways we're working to address it. We're looking for an infographic that shows the current state of children’s health, and that illustrates some avenue to combat the epidemic including: (1) empowering parents and caregivers; (2) providing healthy food in schools; (3) improving access to healthy, affordable foods; (4) increasing physical activity; (5) actions that can be taken very early in a child’s life, when the risk of obesity first emerges.
Please e-mail us your submissions to projects[at]goodinc[dot]com with the subject "July 2010 Transparency Contest." It should be a JPG, exported at a high enough resolution that it can be printed at 300 dpi. We’ll take submissions now through July 6. As with our last contest, we'll be giving out three awards: best use and presentation of information, best aesthetics, and best overall infographic. The winning entries will be selected by GOOD and Let's Move! Winners will be announced on July 20, featured on our homepage, the homepage of LetsMove.gov, the White House blog, and also printed in the next issue of GOOD. We’ll send GOOD and Let’s Move! T-shirts and a free subscription (or gift subscription) to the winners. Full rules and regulations here.
One very important requirement: All sources must be cited. Pieces with information from unknown sources will be disqualified.
Here is the White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity's report to the President.
And here is a wealth of additional information from the CDC on childhood obesity, physical activity, and nutrition.