On Wednesday, Apple finally announced a whole new line of products this country desperately, desperately needs. For example: a pink iPhone (hallelujah), a newly sized iPad, and an iPhone pen that’s totally not a Stylus don’t even think about it. The Internet, in complete Internet fashion, decided that Apple might have gone a bit too far this time—and came up with a list of #RejectedAppleProducts.
The hashtag was organized as part of @midnight’s hilarious nightly Twitter wordplay contest. And the results, posted below, are perfect.
[tweet url="https://twitter.com/batshake1/status/641818875483586560" author="The Gnurb" handle="batshake1" text="iRonic iMac supporting windows." date="2015-09-09" time=""]
[tweet url="https://twitter.com/DamianVanore23/status/641814776125849600" author="Damian Vanore" handle="DamianVanore23" text="iBrows" date="2015-09-09" time=""]
[tweet url="https://twitter.com/Pheramuse/status/641802202261139456" author="Jillian" handle="PheraMuse" text="IPads with Wings #RejectedAppleProducts @midnight #pointsme " date="2015-09-09" time=""]
[tweet url="https://twitter.com/Hollyorange8/status/641809092286091264" author="*Holly" handle="HollyOrange8" text="iTouch Myself #RejectedAppleProducts @midnight" date="2015-09-09" time=""]
[tweet url="https://twitter.com/nerdist/status/641807964907565056" author="Chris Hardwick" handle="Nerdist" text="iWatch U Pee #RejectedAppleProducts @midnight starts right now. At 11p. Because." date="2015-09-09" time=""]
[tweet url="https://twitter.com/joshingstern/status/641806052841947137" author="joshingstren" handle="Joshingstern" text="Gilligan's iLand #rejectedAppleproducts @midnight " date="2015-09-09" time=""]
(h/t The Daily Edge)