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Iowa Congressman Rod Blum Storms Out Of Interview

Nobody likes a quitter

Republicans in the House and Senate are having a tough time looking their constituents in the eye of late. Many are now avoiding town hall meetings so they don’t have to confront the throngs of angry voters. Most of the rage was inspired by the Republican-majority House’s recent approval of the American Health Care Act which, if passed, would result in tens of millions of people losing health coverage. Not a single Democrat voted for the law.

On Monday, Republican Iowa Representative Rod Blum sat down with KCRG-TV’s chief investigative reporter, Josh Scheinblum, to discuss an upcoming town hall and couldn’t even make it past three questions. Scheinblum first challenged Blum on why he’s checking people’s IDs at the event. “We want people from the first district to be at our town halls, we don’t want people from outside of the first district,” Blum said. Scheinblum countered that Blum represents “all Iowans” because the decisions he makes in Congress affect the entire state.

Scheinblum then asked a simple question that ended the interview immediately: “Would you still take donations from a Republican in Iowa City?” Blum stood up and frantically removed his lapel mic saying he wouldn’t take the “badgering.” His outrage was even more embarrassing because he was surrounded by children, who had to witness a grown man acting immature.

A few hours later, things got even tougher for Blum. As a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, he faced a rowdy town hall meeting where he had to explain his support for the American Health Care Act.