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Shocker! College Makes You More Liberal

In a report slated for release on Wednesday by the conservative Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI), a survey of 2,500 people, asked about...

In a report slated for release on Wednesday by the conservative Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI), a survey of 2,500 people, asked about their views on public policy and other matters of civic nature, found that the more educated a person is, the more liberal they are, as it regards social issues.From The Chronicle of Higher Education:
The institute found that people who had attained at least a bachelor's degree were more likely than Americans whose formal education ended with a high-school diploma to take a liberal stance on certain controversial social issues. For example, 39 percent of people whose highest level of education was a bachelor's degree supported same-sex marriage, compared with 25 percent with a high-school diploma. The trend continued with advanced degrees: About 46 percent of people with master's degrees supported same-sex marriage, as did 43 percent of people with Ph.D.'s.
Interestingly, as higher education seems to drive students more towards liberalism, it apparently doesn't do anything to keep a foundation of civics-related knowledge intact. A previous report by the ISI found that college seniors scored poorly on a 100-question test on civic literacy, which included elements of American history, the country's economy, and governmental structure. At some schools-including Yale, Princeton, Duke, and Cornell-seniors' scores were, on average, lower than freshman, demonstrating an erosion of governmental knowledge.Glenn Beck dedicated a segment to the report's findings last week. And, of course, he points out that with law professors like Barack Obama out there, how could you expect your kid not to turn into a liberal zombie?[youtube]

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