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Supercool School Demos at DEMO

Earlier this week, at the DEMO emerging technologies conference, several start ups gave six-minute PowerPoint-free presentations about how their...

Earlier this week, at the DEMO emerging technologies conference, several start ups gave six-minute PowerPoint-free presentations about how their companies could revolutionize particular industries.

Companies like E*TRADE, TiVo, and Google have all launched new products at the event in previous years. Yesterday, a company called Supercool School, announced its plans to reinvent online education, by allowing people to quickly and easily start their own web-based schools.

According to a post on VentureBeat, more than 100 schools have already been created on the Supercool School platform since it launched in January. Those efforts are aimed at educating prospective students on anything from hacking to entrepreneurship to blogging.

Here's a video of the presentation the company's founders made at DEMO, describing how they want to do "what blogging did for publishing, but for the education space":

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