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This Week in GOOD

This week, we welcomed some old friends to our new site: Cliff Kuang pondered the dilemma of an Obama victory in November; Ben Jervey advocated micro-finance for solar power; and Michelangelo Matos mused over music in everyday life. We also released a new GOOD Sheet and learned about commercial space-travel,..

This week, we welcomed some old friends to our new site: Cliff Kuang pondered the dilemma of an Obama victory in November; Ben Jervey advocated micro-finance for solar power; and Michelangelo Matos mused over music in everyday life. We also released a new GOOD Sheet and learned about commercial space-travel, the evolution of the term "cheese-eating surrender monkey," and the staggering cost of war.On Tuesday, our GOOD Conversations series debuted in New York with our Mavericks of Education event (photo above).

Yesterday, we told the world about our new subscription plan: pay whatever you want for GOOD. So far, it's going quite nicely. Thanks to everyone who's signed up-we'll have more on this business next week. For now, we're off to bask in tonight's edition of this incomparably bizarre (and increasingly mind-numbing) saga of political theater. Until we meet again, just sit back, relax, and wrap your mind about the utter senselessness of the headline "McCain Decides to Participate in Debate."