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Toke Show: Montel Williams Is in the Medical Weed Game Now

The daytime TV veteran wants to make medical marijuana less shady with a new "high-end" dispensary in Sacramento.

We don't dabble too much in daytime television around these parts, but it being California and all, we like to think we cover the marijuana beat pretty well. So allow us this one story on Montel Williams, the former talk-show host who's now setting himself up to be a medicinal marijuana mogul.

Williams has for years now used weed to help relieve the pain from his multiple sclerosis. But it wasn't until this month that he decided to open a so-called "high-end" marijuana dispensary. Williams says his sleekly designed new venture in Sacramento was created with patient dignity in mind. "Why are we treating patients who seek out this medication like they’re some lesser member of society?” he told Sacramento's CBS 13. "We could set a new standard, not just for Sacramento, not just for California, not just for the other 16 states that allow it now and the District of Columbia, but also for the world."

In other weed news today, Justin Timberlake reportedly said in a new interview with Playboy that he smokes pot when he feels like he has "a brain that needs to be turned off."

We at GOOD aren't advocating drug use, especially considering how bad for the environment weed can be, but we do advocate for smarter drug laws. To that end, we have to think that various celebrities coming out to proclaim their love for marijuana is a good thing for the drug's public image. It's unfortunate that it takes a TV host's opinion to raise consciousness about an important political issue, but, for now, we'll take what we can get.

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