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The Top 8 Lines From The Debate So Far

The candidates on terror, sexual assault and yes, sending each other to jail

Have we ever seen a debate like this before? Allegations of rape, threats of putting the other nominee in jail and questions about whether the other candidate is a racist. And that’s in the first half of the debate alone. Perhaps “highlights” is not the best word in this situation. So, here are the most memorable lines from the debate so far:

“No, I have not,” Trump, when asked if has ever sexually assaulted a woman.

“I never questioned their fitness to serve. Donald Trump is different,” Clinton, comparing Trump to past Republican presidential candidates.

“This was locker room talk. I’m not proud of it. I apologized to my family and the American people,” Trump, on the video leak from 2005 showing him talking about groping and kissing women.

“Because you’d be in jail,” Trump on promising to appoint a special prosecutor over Hillary Clinton’s email scandal.

“He clarified what he meant,” Clinton, on her husband calling Obamacare a “disaster” during a recent campaign stop.

“Before you solve it, you have to say the name,” Trump, on radical Islamic terror, when asked by a Muslim attendee at the debate on what he’d do about Islamophobia.

“We’ve had Muslims in America since George Washington. … My vision of America is one where everyone has a place … We are not at war with Islam” Clinton, responding to the same questioner about Islamophobia.

“Captain Khan is an American hero and if I were president he would be alive today,” Trump, on his past criticism of the Gold Star Family parents of the soldier who died serving in Iraq.

”A lot of what Donald Trump says about Muslims is used by ISIS to recruit soldiers,” Clinton, on Trump and ISIS.