The next TV you buy (if you're into that) will probably be labeled with one of these. Starting in 2011, the Federal Trade Commission will require new TVs to come with these EnergyGuide labels that already appear on many appliances.
As Social Design Notes notes:
The yellow EnergyGuide label has been used since the 1970’s for washing machines, refrigerators, and other large appliances sold in the US but never before for electronics. By making long term costs visible at the point of purchase, this humble bit of information design has saved an enormous amount of resources over the last 30+ years. It’s also a nice nudge to manufacturers who know the information will be public.
That pretty much sums it up.
It's odd to me that people who really endorse neoclassical economics don't spend more time advocating for stuff like this. Complete information is a great way of creating a more efficient market.