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Your Creativity And Multitasking Issues Of The Day

Certain types of conceptual and performance art pieces manage to navigate the narrow straits between insanity and genius. You find yourself wondering, Is this brilliant work or unremarkable garbage? Take, for instance, the many videos of John Kilduff. John hosts a public-access call-in show about creativity..

Certain types of conceptual and performance art pieces manage to navigate the narrow straits between insanity and genius. You find yourself wondering, Is this brilliant work or unremarkable garbage? Take, for instance, the many videos of John Kilduff. John hosts a public-access call-in show about creativity and multi-tasking called "Let's Paint TV." For the duration of each episode, he steadily increases his pace on a treadmill while he paints a still-life, takes (usually abusive or explicit) calls, and does any number of other things (such as blending drinks or playing ping pong against the invisible man).

What's amazing is his ceaseless positivity in the face of taunts and far from perfect art/drinking making. Whether it's a commentary on our inability to focus on singular tasks or a rejection of modern obsessions with perfection doesn't really matter. What matters is that, come what may, John keeps going. Hats off to him.

The more of these you watch, the more you understand...and laugh.