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Sports Illustrated is the latest magazine to dig back through its archives and feature the gems of yesteryear. While competing with ESPN and Yahoo Sports for up-to-the-minute news, SI has the luxury of touting its 53-year bank of photos, video, and feature-writing-all for free in the brand new searchable..

Sports Illustrated is the latest magazine to dig back through its archives and feature the gems of yesteryear. While competing with ESPN and Yahoo Sports for up-to-the-minute news, SI has the luxury of touting its 53-year bank of photos, video, and feature-writing-all for free in the brand new searchable database that the site's calling "The Vault."

In a magazines-and-newspapers-are-dying world, here's a resurrection story: long-forgotten content made-anew (for free).

Speaking of print/web relations: don't forget that we were ahead of the game (or maybe it's because we've just begun our teething phase) and have had our back-content up for your perusing pleasure since the get-go.