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Al-Jazeera English: A Newer Image?

Not all that long ago, we used the old internet to discuss the creation of Al Jazeera English, the nascent offshoot of Qatar's 10-year-old...

Not all that long ago, we used the old internet to discuss the creation of Al Jazeera English, the nascent offshoot of Qatar's 10-year-old a-political beacon of global truthiness. As journalistic missions, both the English version and the original were impassioned vehicles--the sort of things that get us media junkies all misty-eyed and dreamy...especially when pitted against the celebutante-goes-directly-to-jail-again coverage that's dominated the past week's airwaves and headlines (notice the absence of a link here).

Now, here's where we jump into the rumor mill:

According to this Alternet piece, "Is Al Jazeera about to Become Fox-Jazeera?" it seems as though Al Jazeera is embroiled in something of an internal struggle--one that could result in a decidedly more pro-Western/pro-U.S. vantage point/platform. If that's true, that is, if some nebulous force is wielding power that sways editorial content, even in the form of "soft" shifts, then our misty-eyed reverence will fast become the teary-eyed mourning of what might have been. Of course, nothing's happened quite yet; and, bleak as it sounds, we'll always have Paris.