It’s become a YouTube genre—those videos of awe-inspiring (and often terrifying) robots that run like a cheetah, scamper across ice, or jump like a sand flea.
But one robot designer makes some not-so-great robot helpers. “I’ve been building robots for two years now, and the thing I like about them is that they are very easy to control. That makes me sound like a terrible person,” says Simone Giertz, whose hilarious videos of her creations have gone viral.
She started making them to automate some things in her life, but then her natural comedic sensibility kicked in and she realized she could go over the top with her designs. Girth is 100 percent funny and fun to watch. Even when she’s cleaning the septic tank on her houseboat.
“A lot of people think I am an engineer, and I am not.” But that is Giertz’s mission: “You don’t have to be an engineer to be an inventor.”
Check out Giertz’s YouTube channel.