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Be Still Our Beating Hearts: Obama's Health Care Plan Arrives

It's been a long time coming, but President Obama has finally put forth his version of a plan to extend health care to the uninsured. According to...

It's been a long time coming, but President Obama has finally put forth his version of a plan to extend health care to the uninsured. According to The New York Times, the plan resembles the one passed by the Senate while also addressing concerns of House members vying for middle class assistance. The Times suggests that this is Obama's "final push" for health care overhaul.
Mr. Obama's proposal - the first time the president has provided a detailed road map for what he wants a health overhaul to look like - is the opening act to a week of high drama that will culminate on Thursday, when the president convenes Democrats and Republicans at an all-day televised health care "summit" at Blair House. The White House is hoping the session can jump start the stalled health bill.
Early reactions have been predictably mixed-Republicans are angry that it doesn't more tightly restrict abortion funding, as the proposed "Stupak Amendment" does not appear. As expected, the bill doesn't include a public option, but it does set a "uniform eligibility threshold for Medicaid at 133 percent of the federal poverty level."In the absence of a Democratic super majority-or in the face of Republican opposition-the White House could push the bill through using "reconciliation," but it's unclear whether that will happen (it's usually only done with budget bills). Anyone think it will happen?You can read the entire bill proposal at the White House website.Photo by Pete Souza for the White House.

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