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Black Friday Is Out of Control: Join the Fight Against Overconsumption This Year

Thanksgiving—my favorite holiday of the year. Family, turkey, stuffing, football, naps, pumpkin pie…Nintendo Wi for $89?

Once again this holiday season, we will be seeing the reoccurrence of Black Thursday. Walmart recently announced its deals and schedule for Black Friday this year—which actually begins at a record-early 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving day. The 45-page Walmart ad released this morning shows deals that begin on Thursday night and continue into Friday, November 23. While I love Christmas sales as much as the next person, where will Walmart stop to encroach on my favorite of holidays?

Last year, Walmart began their Black Friday sales at 10 p.m. the night before. The year before that, they opened at midnight. Will every year continue to get earlier and earlier until Thanksgiving is inherently combined with Christmas shopping?

Adbusters' campaign, Buy Nothing Day, is a protest to the growing issue of overconsumption across the globe. The first Buy Nothing Day campaign was held in Mexico in September 1992 and moved to Black Friday for the first time in 1997. It is now an international protest observed by over 65 nations the day after the American Thanksgiving holiday.

Recently renamed "Occupy Christmas" to align with the plight of the 99%, Buy Nothing Day calls for would-be shoppers to buy nothing during the 24-hour period of Friday, November 23 into Saturday, November 24. Occupy Christmas hopes that by not getting caught up in the shopping frenzy, people can start realizing the benefits of a lower-consumption lifestyle.

Occupy Christmas urges people to buy nothing, but do something—namely, get out and spread awareness about global overconsumption through a handful of encouraged symbolic activities (check them out here.)

Here's another simple way to say no to Black Friday. Instead of hopping in a car to drive to Walmart on Thanksgiving night, grab another piece of pumpkin pie and enjoy time with your family and friends. When you’re ready to do some shopping, check out this website to buy American-made products and gifts this season, and download the LookLocal app to find local artists and boutiques near you to give your loved ones a unique gift that supports your community.

Image (cc) flickr user drfardook