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Bush “Moving on Air Pollution” Today

Our President has been (in)famously skeptical about the dangers of climate change: We don't have all the data, and why waste time putting on a seatbelt until you feel some impact?But after last month's Supreme Court decision that, under the Clean Air Act, carbon dioxide is indeed a pollutant-one that..

Our President has been (in)famously skeptical about the dangers of climate change: We don't have all the data, and why waste time putting on a seatbelt until you feel some impact?

But after last month's Supreme Court decision that, under the Clean Air Act, carbon dioxide is indeed a pollutant-one that can be regulated by the EPA-it looks like Bush's hand is being forced. He's going to announce his plans later today.

The pre-announcement announcement was vague, but Tony Snow still managed to work in at least one false dichotomy:

"The question is: do you try to set up a mandatory system or do you try to set up an innovation-based system. The president prefers innovation."

In related news, lovable buffoon Neil Cavuto tells us that his boss is taking News Corporation carbon neutral by 2010. Pigs, prepare for liftoff.