When CNN International’s Lucy Pawle spotted a black and white flag being flown at a gay pride parade in London, she was a little quick to jump to conclusions. Pawle went on air to discuss the incident and seemed absolutely sure this was a poorly made rendition of the ISIS flag. However, upon further examination it was revealed that the flag depicted something quite different. What Pawle mistook for Arabic lettering was actually a collection of silhouetted sex toys. CNN, who immediately ran the headline “ISIS Flag Spotted At Gay Pride Parade,” might be a little embarrassed about this one. You can check out their original segment in the video below.
CNN Struggles to Differentiate Between Sex Toys and Arabic Letters
The only thing those “letters” spelled was a pretty good time.
By Sean McdonaldJun 29, 2015
Sean Mcdonald
Sean McDonald is an audience development intern at GOOD. He is undeclared and loving it at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota.