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Education: Morning Roundup

Morning Roundup: From The Chronicle of Higher Education: American Colleges Scramble to Contact Students and Professors in...

Morning Roundup:
From The Chronicle of Higher Education: American Colleges Scramble to Contact Students and Professors in HaitiAmerican colleges were struggling to extract-and, in some cases, even reach-students, and faculty and staff members studying and traveling in Haiti in the wake of a deadly earthquake there Tuesday, a task made more difficult by the extent of the devastation and by already poor infrastructure in the Caribbean nation.From The New York Times' Learning Network: Resources for Teaching and Learning About the Earthquake in HaitiToday, we are all Haitians. Resources to help teachers address the crisis in Haiti with their students.From The Washington Post: Top Public Universities Faulted on Financial AidMany of the nation's top public universities are giving millions of dollars in financial aid to students from relatively wealthy families instead of to those who urgently need it, resulting in campuses that are often less diverse than those at elite private schools, according to a new report.From The New York Times: Texas Shuts Door on Millions in Education GrantsTexas will not compete for up to $700 million in federal education money, calling the Obama administration's main school improvement grant program an unacceptable intrusion on states' control over education.From the Los Angeles Times: Hundreds of Students Can't Return to Beverly Hills SchoolsHundreds of students attending Beverly Hills schools will have to find new campuses in the fall after a unanimous school board vote late Tuesday ended special permits for many children who live outside the city.Photo via