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Education: Morning Roundup, Bloomberg's Brouhaha

Morning Roundup:

From The New York Times: Bloomberg Blocks Teachers’ Raises to Save Jobs

After warning of widespread teacher layoffs for months, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg announced Wednesday morning that the city would eliminate planned raises for all of its public-school teachers for the next two years, which he said would “save the jobs of some 4,400 teachers.”

From the Los Angeles Times: California applies again for federal school-reform grant

"Race to the Top" funds would help the state link teacher evaluations to student performance and better use data to improve teaching. Lack of union support could hurt the state's chances.

From The New York Times: New N.Y. Schools Face Extra Pain From Layoffs

Union contracts require layoffs to be by seniority, especially burdening the city’s new, small schools and their typically young, recently hired staffs.

From The Wall Street Journal: Thirty-Five States, D.C. Vie for Education Funding

Thirty-five states and the District of Columbia applied for the second phase of the Race to the Top federal education competition as the application deadline passed Tuesday night.

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