From The New York Times: Eastern States Dominate in Winning School Grants
Many educators in states that did not win or even participate in President Obama’s Race to the Top competition said the rules favored densely populated eastern states.
From the Los Angeles Times: U.S. schools chief to push disclosure of education data
Education secretary Arne Duncan will call on districts across the nation to make information on teachers public.
From the Associated Press: Poll: Obama's Education Approval Ratings Drop
A new Gallup Poll has found fewer Americans approve of the job President Obama is doing in support of public education, but they continue to have a highly favorable opinion of their local schools.
From The Washington Post: With limited training, Teach for America recruits play expanding role in schools
4,500 Teach for America recruits have been placed in public schools this year after five weeks of summer preparation. The quickly expanding organization says that the fast track enables talented young instructors to be matched with schools that badly need them—and the Obama administration agrees. This month, Teach for America won a $50 million federal grant that will help the program nearly double in the next four years.
Photo (CC) by Flickr user The White House.