A southbound EgyptAir Airbus A320 travelling from Paris on its way to Cairo went missing Thursday morning.
Around 2:30 a.m. UCT, just before losing contact from radar systems inside Egyptian airspace, the 66 passenger aircraft was reported to have made several unexpected turns and dipped 22,000 feet. While Egypt’s aviation minister Sherif Fathi told The Guardian stated that “the possibility of having a terror attack is higher than the possibility of having a technical [problem],” French President François Hollande isn’t ruling out any possibilities.
“We have a duty to know everything about the cause and what has happened,” Hollande said in his official statement. “No theory is ruled out and none is certain right now.”
EgyptAir most recently confirmed discovery of wreckage such as life vests and plastic, and has declared the event a crash. Thirty Egyptians, 15 French nationals, 2 Iraqis, and 19 others were onboard.
EgyptAir’s Twitter account will continue posting live updates as more information is uncovered.
UPDATE: 10:30 a.m., April 20, 2016.
The Egyptian Military and Marine Forces have been searching for debris throughout the night and have found more wreckage north of Alexandria.