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Man's First Week At Target Is An Unbelievable Must Read

“A three-year-old came through, pushed by his personal chauffeur”

There’s no business like retail business, as they say (well, something like that).

Hospitality and retail almost go hand-in-hand in that you never know what variety of customers will walk through the doors of your establishment, and said customers are always right. If you’ve experienced working in either business, you’re familiar with the bizarre occurrences and daily unexpected happenings that make each day more exciting and/or painstaking than the last.

One Tumblr user, kimpossibooty, quickly recognized what a treat it is to work in retail upon starting his job at Target. He took to his page to share his experiences — fulfilling and endearing, outrageous and disgusting — from day one.

A few highlights include, “A woman gets 69 cents back in change. I know that I will likely get reprimanded if I make a 69 joke to a customer. I do not speak to the customer any further. I am trying to decide if it is worth losing my job or not,” and “A three-year-old came through, pushed by his personal chauffeur. He bought one small Spider-Man onesie. He carried out the entire transaction on his own. He was the most polite customer I have had so far.”

Check out the full account for more laughs below.