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Functional Street Art

Recently, I've started noticing these bilingual, and potentially quite helpful, wheat-pastings around Los Angeles. I finally had to stop and take...

Recently, I've started noticing these bilingual, and potentially quite helpful, wheat-pastings around Los Angeles. I finally had to stop and take some pictures last night:

Placed on utility boxes like this along the sides of main roads used by bikes and cars, these signs show how much energy the biking share-the-road movements are gaining. Clearly, this isn't quite the same as having a bike lane, but I'd love to think these posters could be the guerrilla way to start people thinking about making a space for cyclists, even if it isn't yet painted on the road.I'm not sure who's behind these, but I have to say, these are probably my newest favorite act of productive civil disobedience (and I do keep a list: these guys are on it and so is this guy) and an exciting example of street art as functional civic intervention.Well done, whoever you are.These pictures were taken along Figueroa Boulevard near Highland Park, Los Angeles