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GOOD Maker Challenge: How Would You Use Storytelling to Improve your Community?

How would you use $3,000 towards uniting and improving your community through storytelling?

From stories told over a campfire to stories performed for a live audience, there is no end to the ways in which we share our tales. We love to listen and we love to inform. And as we engage in this back and forth, we create the links that unite and reinforce community. We've all experienced storytelling’s unique ability to bring together strangers, build communities, and improve social ties.

Now, it’s your turn to tell us how you would use $3,000 towards uniting and improving your community through storytelling. Would you create a more close-knit community by documenting your neighbors’ collective histories? Or host a poetry slam for local youth? This story is yours to tell, so be creative and submit your idea between May 15 and June 12 at noon PST. Then, from June 12 to July 3, get a group of supporting characters to vote for your project during public voting. The top-voted submission will win $3,000 to implement their idea. Apply at

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