This pretty much sums it all up.
While doing the press rounds for her new film Collateral Beauty, Helen Mirren was asked by British talk show icon Graham Norton to sum up the year in a few words. Mirren, known for her grace and eloquence rose to the occasion as costar Will Smith look on pensively.
If you didn’t love Helen Mirren before, you will now. Here’s what she said (speech starts at :56, but the whole two minutes are worth watching:
Yeah, a big vocabulary won’t be necessary to describe the type of year we’re wrapping up.
For those who are video-averse, here’s a transcript in full:
“Hello. At this time of celebration and togetherness, we have the chance to reflect on the year gone by. And I think we can all agree that 2016 has been a big pile of shit. So my advice to you is drink responsibly and be merry. Have a very happy Christmas but above all, go see Collateral Beauty out on Boxing Day!”
Not only does she objectively state that 2016 was a shit year, but she also manages to get a plug in for her movie! Is there anything this woman can’t do?