On the most recent Last Week Tonight, John Oliver took a moment to express how people really feel after the ISIS attacks in France with a profanity-laced tirade. “After the many appropriate and necessary moments of silence, I’d like to offer you a moment of premium cable profanity.” With that, Oliver launched into a stream of words directed at the terrorists that you’d never use in front of your grandmother.
Over the course of two minutes, Oliver unleashed seven F-bombs and dropped the A-word six times before perfectly summing up why France will endure. “It is important to remember nothing about what these a**holes are trying to do is going to work. France is going to endure and I’ll tell you why. If you’re in a war of culture and lifestyle with France, good f***ing luck.”
WARNING: The following clip contains profanity. Lots and lots of profanity.
You can watch the clip here.