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Looking at (and Fixing) the Holes in Our Own Water Policy

As water becomes a more central part to our conversations-especially issues of water scarcity and the possible/probable impending wars over it-I've been thinking a lot about the holes in our own water policy. As it stands, many contend (and I agree) that our standards for tap water are lacking, which is going to become a much bigger deal now that we've all decided that bottled water is as taboo an accessory as a cigarette. Meanwhile, out Clean Water Act of 1972, which is considered one of the best and most trailblazing water laws in the world, has been chipped away at for some time.Luckily, Obama's new EPA head Lisa Jackson has vowed to move rather swiftly to right some of the environmental wrongs committed by previous administrations (especially that last one), particularly in regards to water policy. That's why, when three senators presented to Congress the Clean Water Restoration Act a few weeks back, it was very encouraging news. I was also happy to see this Op Ed in today's Times.Here's hoping the act passes. Safer drinking water, safeguarding the 20 million acres of wetlands that are currently unprotected, and cracking down on revolting and environmentally devastating runoff from coal mining and industrial animal feedlots sounds like a great start to me.