There’s a long history of people boycotting companies for political reasons. Chick-fil-a lost a lot of customers when it was revealed its owner supported anti-gay organizations. Recently, right-wingers called for a boycott of Starbucks after the coffee giant announced it was hiring 10,000 refugees. Boycotters believed the company should focus on hiring veterans instead, when in reality, the company had already pledged to do so. But now the reverse is happening. A major beauty company is putting its bottom line at risk by asking Trump supporters not to buy its products.
Illamasqua has based its brand on eschewing traditional beauty standards in favor of celebrating individuality. It recently backed up its message by encouraging Trump supporters not to buy its products. “To be part of our community and to buy our products, you must first pledge to human fundamental values,” Illamasqua said in a statement. “We believe in the freedom of expression, equality and diversity. That’s why we are horrified by President Trump’s actions to date. We refuse to remain silent while extreme right-wing populism gains momentum.”
In addition to dissuading Trump supporters from buying its products, Illamasqua is also raising money for the Sophie Lancaster Foundation. The company looks to raise £25,000 by donating 100 percent of its proceeds from their Lip Lure in Nebulus liquid lipstick. The foundation provides educational group-works to challenge the prejudice and intolerance towards people from alternative subcultures. Lancaster was murdered in England along with her boyfriend in 2007 for being part of the goth subculture.