Every few months, there’s a story from a the local news channel about a devoutly-religious person who sees the image of Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary in tree bark or on a piece of toast. To the religious, these images can be seen as divine communication, but for the scientifically inclined, it’s just another example of a phenomenon known as simulacra. Simulacra are sightings of religious imagery found in nature, organic media or natural phenomena.
Today, WTVR in Virginia reported on a local man who had a semi-religious experience while sitting on the toilet. Clayton Litten was admiring his newly-laid tile while taking his morning constitutional when he noticed the image of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump staring back him through his bathroom flooring. “This cannot be. There’s no way,” Litten said when he saw the image — “clear as day.”
Litten, a loyal Trump supporter, attempted to contact the Trump campaign about his sighting but he hasn’t heard back yet. WTVR sent a photo of the tile in question to the company that installed it and they weren’t terribly impressed by the discovery saying it’s “sort of like when people see objects in clouds.”